Thursday, October 26, 2017


The importance of application of fertilizers and manures for both increased produc­tivity and improved quality and quantity of mulberry leaves has been well recognized. It is fully realized that for any increase in leaf yield of mulberry per unit area of land, the native soil fertility alone cannot be relied upon and recourse has to be made to the application of fertilizers and manures. Of the three major elements, viz. nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, nitrogen is the most important and vital for increased production of good quality leaves.

Organic Manures: The common organic manures used for mulberry are farmyard manure and compost.

Influence of Fertilizers on Mulberry growth: Nitrogen is a constituent of protein and therefore a constituent of every living cell.

Nitrogenous fertilizers: Four major forms of nitrogenous substances used as manures and fertilizers must be recognized and they are: the water soluble proteins and other organics, the water insoluble organic non‑protein substances, the nitrates, and the amoniacals.

Phosphoric fertilizers: The two types of phosphoric fertilizers recognized are water soluble forms and cit‑r‑ate soluble forms.

Potassic fertilizers: The chief commercial potassic fertilizers are sulphate and chloride forms. For mulberry potassium sulphate and potassium chloride are generally used.

Balanced use of fertilizers: Instead of applying each nutrient separately, compound fertilizers containing NPK and also minor nutrients in small quantities are being recommended.

Influence of fertilizers on the quality of leaves:Among the nutrients in fertilizers, nitrogen has the greatest influence on the quality of mulberry leaves.

Influence on the leaf yield: Among the three major nutrients, nitrogen has a profound influence on the total yield of mulberry leaves.

Dosage of fertilizers and manures: Quantity of manures and fertilizers depends upon the soil type, removal of plantation, rainfall distribution pattern, spacing, pruning and harvesting methods and also seasonal conditions.

Time of application of fertilizers:
In temperate climates like in Japan and Russia, bulky organic manures which decompose and release nitrogen slowly, are applied during the winter, when the mulberry plants are in dormant stage.

Method of application: The two general methods of applying manures and fertilizers are broadcasting over the surface of the field and mixing it with the soil or localized placement.

Importance of liming: The main purposes of applying lime to soil are to neutralize soil acidity and to improve the physical properties of the soil.

Reclaiming alkaline soils: Gypsum is applied in alkaline and saline soils as soil amelioration. The quantity of gypsum required per hectare of such soil is estimated on the pH level and the sodium salts present.

Micronutrients: In addition to the essential nutrients mentioned above, micronutrients like magnesium, boron, iron, manganese, copper, zinc and Sulphur are also essential. Since these micronutrients are required in small quantities, the soil itself provides them to the plant.

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