Thursday, October 26, 2017


The origin of silk production and weaving is ancient and clouded in legend. The industry undoubtedly began in China, where, according to native record, it existed from sometime before the middle of the 3rd millennium BC. For many centuries the Chinese zealously guarded the source and methods of production of silk, but by the 1st millennium BC they had begun trading silk cloth abroad. Within a few centuries, caravans were regularly carrying silk to India, Turkistan, and Persia. According to legend, in about 140 BC, sericulture as well as silk spread overland from China to India. By the 2nd century AD India was shipping its own raw silk and silk cloth to Persia. (Japan, too, acquired and developed a thriving sericulture a few centuries later.)

Persia became a centre of silk trade between East and West under the Parthian (247 BC–AD 224). Silk dyeing and weaving developed as crafts in Syria, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. The workers used some raw silk from the Orient, but they derived most of their yarn by unraveling silk fabrics from the East. Silk culture remained a secret of Asia.

Eventually a strong demand for the local production of raw silk arose in the Mediterranean area. Justinian I, Byzantine emperor from 527 to 565, persuaded two Persian monks who had lived in China to return there and smuggle silkworms to Constantinople in the hollows of their bamboo canes (c. AD 550). These few hardy silkworms were the beginning of all the varieties that stocked and supplied European sericulture until the 19th century.

Silk culture flourished in Europe for many centuries, especially in the Italian city-states and (from 1480) in France. In 1854, however, a devastating silkworm plague appeared. Louis Pasteur, who was asked to study the disease in 1865, discovered the cause and developed a means of control. The Italian industry recovered, but that of France never did. Meanwhile Japan was modernizing its methods of sericulture, and soon it was supplying a large portion of the world's raw silk. During and after World War II the substitution of such man-made fibers as nylon in making hosiery and other garments greatly reduced the silk industry. Still, silk has remained an important luxury material and remains an important product of Japan, South Korea, and Thailand.

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